KS Evans

KS Evans
KS Evans

KS Evans lives in New England, US, with a small farm full of diverse varieties of plants and animals. Mostly peaceful and serene, there are the days when a horse is running loose, a ewe is (pretending to) menace the chickens or an impending storm forces a frenzy of preparatory activity. Be that as it may, it is a predominantly tranquil life that lends itself well to writing books about animals (farm and pet) and growing food (indoors and out), to share her secrets of success in all the aspects of her world. She also shares her failures which helps the reader avoid them for themselves, and keeps her humble. Promoting responsible and sustainable practices of growing food and natural, humane methods of raising and caring for animals is her purpose in writing.


Buying Your Perfect Horse: How to buy the horse that suits you and your budget perfectly

Buying Your Perfect Horse

Book description:

How to buy the perfect horse for you and your budget, avoiding all the pitfalls of horse hunting and purchase

Find out how to assess your needs to make your search effective, and what steps to take in order to successfully bring home the perfect horse for you.

What should I look for? Where should I...

Bringing Your New Horse Home: How to Develop a Strong Bond from the Beginning

A strong bond with your horse partner is the essential foundation of happiness with your horse as well as greatly enhancing training and performance. It will change your life.

What is the nature of a strong bond? How do I know if my horse and I have bonded well? How do my horse and I develop this together? Does it require a lot of experience or...
